When acquiring legal tech, focus on the problem, don’t get consumed by ‘shiny objects


Source: Canadian Lawyer
By Aidan Macnab

The rapid pace of innovation in the legal tech space has created a problem for practitioners looking to implement applicable tools: Where to start? A panel of innovation experts at Canadian Lawyer’s LegalTech Summit recommended working from the pain point toward appropriate solutions rather than getting distracted by shiny new toys.

“The reality right now is there are so many tools out there,” said Jean-François L’Ecuyer, chief revenue officer at Edilex, who moderated the panel, “Emerging technologies and automated workflow in the legal industry.” Edilex is a cloud-based software service for automating legal tasks…

Read full article: https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/news/general/when-acquiring-legal-tech-focus-on-the-problem-dont-get-consumed-by-shiny-objects-panel/376905

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